Last year in 2018, “the period between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday generated 19.2% of the total holiday revenue. In total, that five-day period accounted for $24.2 billion in sales, a 23% increase as compared to 2017.” Worldwide, we spent “$998.32 billion” dollars on Holiday spending in 2018. (Read more here.)
During this very frenetic season of shopping and buying and giving, it can be hard to focus on living a life of gratitude for what we already have. The desire to constantly find the best product for the best price for that person on your Holiday list, or even a little something for yourself, can be exhausting, and can go head to head with the very eco-conscious decision to truly be content with what we have. This season, Chicago Textile Recycling challenges you, our reader, to try and pursue contentment where you are, and to pursue a sense of gratefulness for all that you already own. Further, we challenge you to pursue gratefulness for our Earth and the gifts it shares with us year round.
This will look different to each of you, but there are many ways you can pursue gratefulness amidst the hustle and bustle of the season and find peace in the frenzy. Here are suggestions for four ways that may help you focus and find gratitude this season:
Giving to Those in Need
For some of you, it may mean taking the focus off of yourself or things, and placing the focus elsewhere, such as giving time or money to low income schools, volunteering at a hospital or soup kitchen, or donating toys to one of the many organizations that help others in need, such as Toys for Tots, or Angel Tree. You may also know of someone in your neighborhood or at your workplace or school who is struggling and could use some help with the Holidays for their family.
Here at Chicago Textile Recycling, we purchase unusable items during the holiday season and year round. Two of the organizations we work with are Share our Spare and Cradles to Crayons in Chicago. We purchase items they receive as donations and cannot use or are in excess.
Share our Spare is a Chicago-based charity that serves families in need with diapers, clothes, and other baby and child necessities. They have open volunteer sessions on the calendar, or you can contact the organization to come volunteer as a family or group on your own. They also have an Amazon wishlist and accept gently used items for children and babies. They also accept donations that go toward purchasing items for families in need.
Similar to Share our Spare, Chicago Textile Recycling also works with the Chicago branch of Cradles to Crayons, a national organization serving families with children in need. Likewise, the organization accepts “like new” and new children’s clothing and necessities, monetary donations to buy said items, and volunteers either in your own neighborhood hosting drives to collect items, or at volunteer work stations at the Giving Factory in downtown Chicago. Another neat option they offer is sponsoring a KidPack for kids in need in Chicagoland. You can either pay for the total Kidpack or purchase items off the Amazon wishlist for each child. As these children’s Kidpacks are completed, new children in need pop up on the site.
Choosing Gifts with Purpose
For some of you, it may mean simply choosing to ignore fast fashion and products that you know are cheaply made in order to buy fewer but higher quality and longer lasting products for those you love. This Holiday season, try choosing eco-friendly products, or even recycled products as gifts for others this year could be a way of living eco-consciously and choosing gratitude for well-made products that help the Earth. “Today, the average consumer spends $1,226 on Holiday Gifts.” When you as the consumer are out (or in) buying holiday gifts, be mindful and make buying decisions that help and not harm the environment.
This could also mean making homemade gifts this year. From sugar scrubs to baked goods to crafts to painted textiles, there are thousands of homemade gift ideas, which are often appreciated even more as the recipient knows you spent time and love pouring into its creation.
Taking Stock and Gratefulness
For some of you it may simply mean finally cleaning out what you already own and taking a better calculation of what you have, so you can truly know what you need. A part of this is choosing to recycle textiles you no longer need to your local resale store or donation bin. Usually, when you realize how much you already own, it helps you appreciate what you have, and hold more gratefulness for your material things. Also, this often results in buying less stuff, which is definitely eco-friendly. Contact us for info about bin locations near you.
This too is a great way to give to those in need by donating your items to small local resale stores with charity partnerships or causes you believe in. At CTR, we work with over 40 local partner stores, the majority of which help to fund a small local nonprofit. By simply asking around or looking online, you can find your nearest resale store that offers help and hope to those in need in your area too.
Gratefulness for the World Around Us
And for some of you, it may not be about stuff, but about stepping back and breathing amid the chaos that can sometimes consume us this time of year. Take a look around at the gifts our planet shares with us. Take time to appreciate and enjoy the beautiful sunset, the white of the snow, the crispness of the fall chill, the stars in the sky, the cycle of the Earth as Autumn slowly turns to Winter and the trees and plants go into hibernation.
Make snow angels with your family, go sledding at the local park, take a wintry walk, and breathe in the fresh cold air as you look around and take in our beautiful planet.
Choose What is Important
Regardless of what gratitude and peace may look like for you this season, remember to slow down and enjoy the most important things. Surrounded by family and friends is a good place to be. Avoiding the Holiday crowds, the hustle and bustle and frenzy of lines can only make life a little sweeter and a little less stressed these next few weeks. Choosing gifts for others we can be proud of and stand behind, and choosing what matters most can only add to our joy as we seek gratitude and stillness in this Holiday season.